No exact number was immediately confirmed, but the network reported that “dozens” of legislators are expected to come out against the president. Two sources told CBS that the planning is coordinated, with some of the statements pre-written. One insider added that the weekend could be “brutal” for Biden, and that it could be impossible for him to continue as the party’s presumptive nominee as early as next week.

    2 months ago
    1. “Age, even without any other factors, does sap your capabilities. This may shock you, but Biden is not as lively as he was 10 years ago. Shocking, I know.”

    This is exactly my point. You’re pretending to be surprised that he’s old so that you can agree with a pop culture invective that is entirely irrelevant to his presidency and candidacy.

    Same thing as Gore being “boring” or Clinton being “ill”.

    Conservative insults with a grain of truth that are completely irrelevant to their policies or ability to administrate the executive branch, but very damaging to their candidacy.

    1. So your argument is that if he doesn’t step down, he might lose the election?

    Don’t let this shock you, but a political candidate might win or lose any election regardless of their “intensity”.

    Biden didn’t need to be as much of an asshole as one of the GOP when he won 4 years ago, he doesn’t have to now.

    1. This is the same point with the same inherent critical flaw as your first:

    Biden is old.

    Being old hasn’t stopped him winning the presidency already and passing progressive legislation for the past 4 years.

    Insults have no bearing on biden’s performance during his presidency or his candidacy.

    You’re anxious.

    Take your anxieties further to their logical conclusions.

    1. Biden is reelected, he passes away sometime during his second term, we still have a democratic executive branch with a proven track record of progressive legislation.

    Not exactly a nightmare scenario.

    1. Biden loses: it is an election. Sometimes the guy you want to win doesn’t win.

    Do you think repeating thetired and demonstrably false conservative complaints that have been irrelevant for biden’s entire first term are going to benefit scenario 1 or scenario 2?

      2 months ago

      Don’t let this shock you, but a political candidate might win or lose any election regardless of their “intensity”.

      Biden didn’t need to be as much of an asshole as one of the GOP when he won 4 years ago, he doesn’t have to now.

      Fuck, man, by intensity I don’t mean being an asshole, I mean the tempo of the campaign. Speeches, visits, interviews.

      Do you think repeating thetired and demonstrably false conservative complaints that have been irrelevant for biden’s entire first term are going to benefit scenario 1 or scenario 2?

      As I’ve said, regardless of whether or not it’s true, Biden has very clearly lost the confidence of his party, and that is deeply damaging for a campaign. If Biden manages to hang onto the nomination, I’m still voting for him come November - I’ll vote for a fucking potato on the Dem ticket if the alternative is fascism. But we need to act to maximize our chances of victory in November, and Biden continuing on the ticket does not maximize our chances at this point in time.

        2 months ago

        They have two debates.

        Debates are politically irrelevant media circuses.

        As for campaigning, Biden campaigned fine and if you watch his interviews or campaign speeches before or after the debate, he’s fine.

        He answers questions, he moves around fine, everything looks normal.

        Biden remaining on the ticket maximizes the chances of the Democrats winning.

        Condemning him because he didn’t look good for two 5-second segments and a 90-minute debate over 4 years of performance?

        That’s what’s damaging his candidacy, not his performance.

        Squabbling politicians deciding that the right time to accuse Biden of being too old to administrate the office of the president despite the contrary evidence?

        Damaging to the campaign.

        It’s absurd to imagine that showing indecision and weakness within and among the Democratic party is good for the Democratic party, especially at this point.

        “…regardless of whether or not it’s true…”

        No, let’s hold the truth in a higher regard.

        Anybody who has lost confidence in Biden is not paying attention to Biden, what his presidency has achieved or what his campaign is about.