Atlanta police have been carrying out around-the-clock surveillance in several neighborhoods for months, on people and houses linked to opposition against the police training center colloquially known as “Cop City”.

The surveillance in Georgia has included following people in cars, blasting sirens outside bedroom windows and shining headlights into houses at night, the Guardian has learned.

While no arrests have been made, residents said they’re at a loss as to what legal protections of privacy and freedom from harassment are available to them. Chata Spikes, the Atlanta police spokesperson, did not respond to requests for comment.

    4 months ago


    Give people homes, healthcare and education if you are so terrified of crime.

    Stop giving babies dressed up as their vision of authoritarian superheroes more guns and power.

    Cops don’t need better training, we need better training so we stop thinking about police as fundamentally good or necessary.

    Police are violent thugs who made a deal with the current status quo, this is what police have and will always be, especially in countries drowning in rightwing fascism like the U.S.