Months after some Israelis started to protest against aid lorries entering Gaza at the main Kerem Shalom crossing, the battle has moved to other key junctions, where rival groups of activists do their best to block or protect aid convoys.

Right-wing activists, including Jewish settlers living in the occupied West Bank, have uploaded dozens of videos of crowds, including some very young children, hurling food onto the ground and stamping on boxes of aid.

In one video, a group of jubilant protesters dance and celebrate on top of a looted lorry.

In another, one of the stranded lorries is ablaze.

In the West Bank, at least two drivers who were not carrying goods bound for Gaza were dragged from their cabs and beaten.

Other videos show Israeli vigilantes stopping lorries in Jerusalem and demanding that drivers show papers proving they are not transporting aid to Gaza. Their faces are uncovered and they appear to be acting with complete impunity.

    4 months ago

    Basically your whole pov is based on the fact that you think the IDF are targeting civilians

    Fixed it for you. It’s not something I think. It’s not in question. It’s established fact.

    Since you’re clearly set in that opinion

    Again, not an opinion. They’ve said so themselves.

    if they really do target civilians… Do you think the numbers would truly be 1:2 Hamas:civilian?

    Nope, but that ratio is the low end of the IDF PR division estimate. The real ratio is closer to 1:4

    …you know what? As I read on, you’re not giving me anything except more lies and distortions regurgitated from AIPAC and other PR outlets for the Israeli apartheid regime. That and signs of you simply not understanding or not wanting to.

    So since I won’t be able to help you undrink the kool-aid, I’m gonna atop wasting time and effort on you. Have the day you deserve.

      4 months ago

      Ah yes, well established fact… By who exactly? By kids at universities thousands of kilometers away?

      And even if we take your (baseless) estimate of 1:4 ratio, that’s still nowhere close to call it a targeted attack on civilians. Compare it to other urban warfare, and see for yourself, they don’t kill enough civilians to justify any of your claims.

      Look at the numbers, and actually base your own opinion, rather than repeating words that people who are very not objective keep repeating. And differentiate between the IDF and the Israeli government. Since they’re vastly different both in world-view (one being extremely corrupt right wing) and in actions done. The racist israeli government expands settlements (and almost sparked a mini civil war between jews and arabs, ahem ahem Ben Gvir), while the IDF manages to supply aid trucks into Gaza, and evacuate Gazans from their (tunnel holes and weapon having) homes.