• TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    What you have is a convenient and wrong interpretation of how politics work.

    Its interesting that when its a step in the authoritarian or right-wing direction, its always possible. When its a step towards humanism or the left, its never possible or only ever an epsilon of progress.

    Why do you think that is?

    The fallacy thats baked into your thinking that causes you to make this mistake is shown by this assumption you make:

    Otherwise it looses voters on the righter side.

    The idea that voters exist along a symmetrical distribution is the mistake you are making. People are not randomly coming up with their beliefs and there is no reason you should assume it would follow a gaussian.

    Its a persistent and wrong assumption, that resulted in the kind of demonstrated impotence of the American Democrats.

    Interestingly, the American Right wing doesn’t share that belief around real-politik. And because they don’t make this wrong assumption, their voters actually get the policy decisions they want into law.