A federal judge in Fort Worth, Texas, on Friday blocked a new Biden administration rule that would prohibit credit card companies from charging customers late fees higher than $8.

US District Judge Mark T. Pittman, an appointee of former President Donald Trump, granted a preliminary injunction to several business and banking organizations that allege the new rule violates several federal statutes.

These organizations, led by the right-leaning US Chamber of Commerce, sued the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau after the rule was finalized in March. The rule, which was set to go into effect Tuesday, would save consumers about $10 billion per year by cutting fees from an average of $32, the CFPB estimated.

  • circuscritic@lemmy.ca
    4 months ago

    No, the reality is that people like you are helping to craft that very future by refusing to stop supporting the Democrats for even a moment.

    Even if stopping for that moment is what is needed to turn the party back into a workers party, and not one that is entirely beholden to it’s donor class, because they know the rubes will vote for them no matter what they do.

    • VubDapple@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      If you are not inclined to want fascist leaders, and assuming you are a person and not a troll, how do you imagine ceasing to support the less fascist party during an election year will result in less fascism?

      • circuscritic@lemmy.ca
        4 months ago

        We are only driving in one direction. The GOP keeps their pedal to the floor, while the Democrats have been happy just to ease up the gas a little - but not slam on the brakes.

        You’re saying that it’s better to support the Democrats and delay the inevitable arrival at destination Facism.

        I’m saying if ever want to hope to flip a bitch, or even just find an off-ramp, the Democratic party has to be retrained on who they respond to. The only way to do that is to make them more responsive to their voters, then to their donors.

        When facing down the barrel of the unlimited donations and super PACS of their donor class, the only weapon we have is solidarity in not supporting them, until they learn.

        Taking a little medicine now, but with the chance to actually turn this car around, is worth the risk when the other option is just delayed full tilt facism, with occasional letting off the gas for the new Tea Party Democrats, if they aren’t already outlawed by that point.

        • theparadox@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          …and if they instead decide that the left cannot be depended on and start courting voters more to the right?

          I honestly felt how you feel. I just don’t think it’s historically worked that way.

          Push local reps to the left and Primary the centrists. I’m all for it… but going home because your guy isn’t on the ballot is playing a dangerous game right now.

          If the country can handle a Republican win, then go back to staying home in protest. But I think, especially at this point in time, that a Trump win would spell the end of American democracy.

            • GreyEyedGhost@lemmy.ca
              4 months ago

              Likewise, a concerted effort should be able to change the direction of a party. I honestly can’t say if that’s feasible in American politics.

              • Serinus@lemmy.world
                4 months ago

                It’s happened multiple times in the past couple decades. Look at how the tea party took over the Republican party. There have also been the blue dog democrats and the Bernie social Dems. They haven’t taken over the way the tea party has, but they’ve both tugged at the direction of the party.

      • circuscritic@lemmy.ca
        4 months ago

        Vote for whoever you want.

        My responses were directed at people commenting, unprompted, about how anyone who doesn’t support Biden, or buy into his campaign messaging, are either closeted Trump supporters, tankies, or (my personal favorite) foreign socket puppet accounts i.e. Russian bots.

        Because obviously they can’t be lifelong Democrats who are fed up with current Democratic establishment and see the threat they pose if left unchanged - precisely because we NEED an actual strong leftwing workers party to stand against the GOP.

        So, again, you do whatever your conscience tells you.

        If your comfortable with a Democratic party that is already fully run by neoliberals, crushes leftists, and only moves further to the right each election, then keep supporting them. That’s on you.

        Myself, I am going to see which option the Democrats are MOST concerned with i.e. uncommitted vs blank vs a specific 3rd party candidate.

        I will also continue to support most of my local and statewide progressive candidates, because I do care, and I’m not whatever fantasy the Biden supporters have concocted so they can dismiss people like me without giving these idea any real thought.