• AVincentInSpace@pawb.social
    4 days ago

    Okay. I’ll concede that first point, and that conservatives fit the meme perfectly. I’m pretty sure the meme isn’t exclusively talking about conservatives, though. What about the second point?

    • Jiggle_Physics@lemmy.world
      3 days ago

      More than conservatives are racist. A LOT of people fall into racist practices without even understanding that they are. Just because you aren’t being intentional, doesn’t mean what you are doing isn’t racist. This is why systemic racism exists. People default to recognizing when something is happening to them, but not so much others. They do what is best for them, assuming it works best for everyone, and are unaware of the harm it does. They see that white characters get changed, because they notice things that affect white their own. Then they get mad, because their surface level understanding of whitewashing, isn’t enough to grasp that these are not the same thing. So they go “hey, why when make non-white white, bad, but when white made non-white, not bad?” They then don’t have the information, and critical thinking tools, on the subject, to understand eliminating representation of minority populations, in their society, does a lot of harm to those communities, that changing the odd majority figure out, does not.

      • AVincentInSpace@pawb.social
        3 days ago

        If being mad about Ariel being a different race in the remake is solely attributable to racism, why weren’t they mad about Miles Morales?

        I’m not mad because Ariel is black now. I’m mad because they changed her race rather than create a new character. I’d be more mad if a black character became white in a remake.

        • Jiggle_Physics@lemmy.world
          3 days ago

          With Aeriel they made it VERY clear that race was the reason so many people were mad. Literally said it was because they race swapped her. The complaints about the actress completely drowned out the, continued, complaints of yet another remake. There were a lot of people mad about Morales. It wasn’t as hammered home, but it was there. Then it did well, so the grift dropped it, and moved on. It also doesn’t matter if there weren’t. Just because you can cherry pick a handful of instances where it wasn’t the case, does not dismiss the long, consistent, history of there being far more outrage, amonst white people, over white/male characters being race/gender swapped, than there is about whitewashing.

          If the key reason people are mad about a movie, is because it is bad, then the bad script/acting/directing/etc will be the forefront of the conversation. Not the race/gender swap, and other reasons brought up as a reaction to being called bigots.

          • AVincentInSpace@pawb.social
            1 day ago

            “The reason not as many people got mad at Spiderverse is not because they created a new character with his own story that isn’t tied to Peter Parker’s in any way, instead of just painting Peter Parker black and leaving everything else the same, but because the racism machine malfunctioned that day.”

            Oh my god, fuck you.

            Sure, some conservative grifters are going to get mad when they see a black person no matter what. But the fact that a lot more people, including many self-professed libs, got mad at Ariel should probably tell you that the fact that those grifters exist doesn’t mean that everyone who dislikes it when characters are race swapped is a conservative who just flies into a rage whenever they see a black person.

            I’m not sure whether you’re trolling or not, and at this point I don’t care. This conversation can serve no purpose anymore.

            • Jiggle_Physics@lemmy.world
              5 hours ago

              If what you wrote is actually what you think I said, there is no purpose in continuing, because you are just making up shit, and ascribing it to me. No where did I say that literally everyone who didn’t like a thing was a conservative, racist. The meme shows very plain examples where the fore-front rage was the swap. While literally ignorinf whitewashing. I made my argument on that. You had to cherry pick from a minority of options to make your comment. Then You fabricated something I did not say, to claim the “win”, and leave, in righteous indignation.

              I feel like this is a thing. I feel like this might be a very well known type of bad argument. Like some sort of fallacious logic, or something. Go ahead an continue to tell yourself, whatever you need to, to claim that the race swapping anger isn’t rooted racism. Have fun.