• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • One thing that I love from this thread…the number of conservative trolls. They are fucking terrified that Biden is going to win. So bad that they are pushing this absolute bullshit of doubt and worry about Biden.

    Anyone that’s actually paying attention to Biden knows that the dude has been getting shit done even with a stalled congress. Any one that’s even remotely paying attention to the election is literally not going to elect a fascist, and people are absolutely starting to pay attention. Look at the Project 2025 bullshit. Look at how much people are starting to realize how fucking serious this is. Even Trump has desperately tried to distance himself from it, and can’t seem to keep dodging now that speeches and videos of him talking about it starting to surface.

    Bidens okay. Democrats have backed him. He’s not dropping out.

  • He gave them $1,600 in stimulus checks. Some of the poorer people think he’ll make things more affordable for people, lower costs, make crypto better, and essentially just rain down money. They have to think of their families future, and apparently they think Trump will do that. They don’t care what he’s done, he’s a means to an end, and if they can wrap an American flag around him, profess him the new Messiah, and ban abortions to do it, they will.

    Republicans are either extremely ignorant or they just lack any and all empathy. They get their news from Fox that shields them from the truth, and they live in constant fear of blood-drinking evil liberals, illegal racist/murderer aliens, and that their money is being stolen from them by undesirables that feed off the system.

    Their entire world view is a facade to make rich people richer and their ignorance of that makes them expendable pawns. It’d be comical if it wasn’t so tragic…

  • Bro, that’s not good Mac and cheese. You haven’t had good Mac and cheese. I promise you.

    Check out how to use sodium citrate and what it does.

    Them get yourself some of your favorite cheese.

    For me, smoked Gouda and cave aged cheddar and a little pecorino romano if I’ve got it.

    Roughly 4-5g of sodium citrate per 100g of cheese. Use water or milk, start with a half cup and add more as you need it, honestly there’s more than enough fat content in the cheese that it won’t make a difference. Shred cheese and add to simmering water. Keep adding cheese until everything is in the pot, and the sauce is perfectly smooth. There should be no lumps. Add more water or milk to desired consistency, and add some mustard powder, cayenne, and garlic. And salt to your preference. It’s the creamiest Mac and cheese you’ll ever have, and the depth of flavor is game changing. I promise you.

    You can even take it to the next step with caramelized onions or shallots and some crumbled sausage. Finish with some bread crumbs, a little paramesian, and some smoked paprika on top, and toss it under the broiler for a minute to toast up.

    For reference, the photo of the “Juneteenth” version is melted cheese with noodles. Fuck that. The recipe I gave you will look like the stuff on the right, and its so fucking good, you’ll discover God in that bowl of Mac and cheese.