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Cake day: June 20th, 2023

  • I strongly dislike when, in traffic, someone comes to a full stop to give the right of way to another person who should not have had it. It is very unexpected and will cause accidents. Secondly, not getting up to speed, especially on the higher speed roads/highways/freeways.

    Using “Next” to refer to the one after the literal next when speaking in terms of time. “Next weekend” does not mean in 5 days it means in 12 days. But “Next Friday” could be in 4 days. It seems to vary dependent on the time of the week as to whether or not people will skip the truly “Next” point in time they are referring to.

    I can understand why for much of what I mentioned, that does not mean I agree or enjoy it. Nor will I likely ever.

  • Pro tip: trips aren’t perfect. It’s life, nothing will be perfect. BUT learn to roll with things and don’t take it super hard of something goes awry. Some of my best memories and stories are from agonizing parts of trips.

    Also, don’t plan out all you time there, leave some free time open to list about. You’ll be there with your SO, you intend to spend quality time with them, it’s great to have open time to go do something that catches either of your attentions rather than dismiss it due to “vacation appointments” like a tourist spot you planned.

    Take pictures or memorabilia of whatever suits you, I have pictures of cool mirrors in hotels, or a wonky bathtub. Again don’t dwell too much on making it perfect, the perfect spot, the perfect picture etc. I have a hilarious picture of an SO with a guy running across the shot, I got him in multiple frames. Still some of my favorites from the trip.

    Grab some local currency before you arrive so it’s on hand, know what ATMs can allow you to pull money from for free (Bank of america has a bunch of partners all over Europe) and Don’t let the TSA disappear it from your bag.

  • I mostly just avoid mirrors and pictures as a whole and dress really tame so its not super bad. I could definitely use therapy for a multitude of reasons but I struggle to communicate things without prompt and am quite uncomfortable with the idea of sharing very personal stuff with, well, anyone. I do go through phases of erasing myself (as much as one can) from the internet, and from my own devices though.

    I am glad to hear I’m not the only one, though it’s unfortunate others do suffer the same way. I do hope you continue to make progress and have it become a non-issue for you in the future

  • I have never heard of that, I’ll definitely look into it! I was given an ND prognosis many years ago though I did not stay with the practioner long enough after to get a full diagnosis. So it’s possible that plays into it.

    I’ve gotten more accustomed as I age, definitely, comfortable maybe not so much. I am unsure if changing my appearance to closer match would change my affinity towards it, but I suppose that may be answered by looking more into the condition itself. But thank you for a name to start with

  • I may have to look into that to some. I’ve never been good around people, but specifically when they say something it’s much worse.

    Sort of in a similar vein, I don’t like mirrors because it makes me see myself which presents an image that does not match the way I feel I present myself or my internal image of myself. it’s less a matter of attraction or confidence so much as a disillusionment.

  • That’s exactly how I am, I found out most of it came from my no-clear-dominance eyes. Quick reaction type stuff I usually use my right side, slow steady stuff I use my left side. Archery, shooting, writing, all left handed. Throwing, punching, Frisbee, right handed.

    I agree with the unknown comfort with sides when trying something new. Occasionally I’ll even end up questioning if the other side is better when I do a very infrequent task. It’s like I forgot what hand I normally use

  • I believe I’m reasonable (most people would believe this of themselves though). I try to be a respectful person. IDK about “nice” though. I would classify one of my friends as a genuinely wholesome and nice person, whom I envy and look up too. The deficiency between him and myself is why I probably wouldn’t consider myself nice. I hold myself to the standard that I see from him and I’m not there.