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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2024


  • Unfortunately many of the routers provided by ISPs I have seen where not configured that way by default. They only used NAT as firewall, so without configured port forwarding nothing could be reached with IPv4. But for IPv6: If you know the IPv6 for any system on the local network it is free available on all ports. It is the first thing I check when someone asks me to check their network or configure their internet, and only Fritz!Box have a sane default for IPv6 (but to be honest my other experiences are mostly with shitty Vodafone and german Telekom routers so it is a very limited set, and I really hope that most others are better.)

  • Not really, because it is in it’s core the same engine with the same limitations. It has the same worldspace and cell system as the original engine from Morrowind. Yes it has shader (a modern feature that is in the creation engine at least since Fallout 76, most likely even Fallout 4) and a LUA script engine besides the official creation script engine. This could be added to the engine very easily and that the Creation Engine doesn’t has this is a design decision not a engine limitation.

  • The cells and worldspaces are needed for a engine that allows huge amounts of persistent dynamic objects that can be removed from and added to the world freely., That is the reason why we don’t see games with large worlds like this in other engines. Even more so when the game has to run on consoles too. Neither No Man’s Sky, nor Outer Worlds or Cyberpunk have worlds or places full of persistent dynamic objects, nearly everything is static and hard baked into the world.