Severe brain damage; to such degree that having the desire, or enjoyment of music, impossible.
I would rather be a vegetable than give up Baby Shark.
Severe brain damage; to such degree that having the desire, or enjoyment of music, impossible.
I would rather be a vegetable than give up Baby Shark.
In America, you “have to” due to government regulation(IRS wants their cut of the tendies).
Hard to choose, they are all great in their own way.
I guess “The Deadly Mantis” because of the “little man in the boat” joke that has changed meaning in adulthood from when I saw it as a child. Eegah and Manos do stand as cornerstones, but Mantis has that one line that is burned into my association with the show and holds a special memory.
It isn’t outrageous that you have them, the problem is you keep them in an illuminated bookcase in your living room and keep wanting to feature them as part of the tour.
You can shoot an AR-15 pattern rifle, including the military versions, with the stock up against your nuts and it won’t hurt. The recoil is very low because the power is very low and the system of operation absorbs a lot of the energy, combined with the weight of the rifle means it is soft shooting. The stock doesn’t need to touch your shoulder for you to be accurate with effect out to 50 yards or more so long as you do your part.
Honestly, just having it pulled against any part of your body with a decent view of the sight is enough to ring steel or put holes in paper.
In current mainstream thought gender =/= sex.
So your second point should be phrased “Is changing sex also (soon to be) possible”, as sex is genetic and gender is a concept.
Maybe with some radical gene therapy sex could be changed, but I imagine that to be a rather long and unpleasant process if physical changes happened. It would probably be more feasible to make a clone with the different sex and then transplant consciousness. That just raises further questions like if you died and is that still you. Probably before that is viable we will be uploaded to computer systems to escape the environmental effects of our actions and your avatar will be up to your whims.
What it is like to chew 5 gum, on DMT.
You don’t keep the rooster separated from the hens on a farm. If he can, he will.
I have had chickens for years.
You don’t keep the rooster separate from the hens, they fuck.
Farm egg is probably fertilized.
You have to use the flaw as a strength, the extra material on the sheet can be removed with the edges of a panel. The panel edges are like the tear blade on a tinfoil box.
I don’t like that type of competition and we end up losing everybody else as the sarcasm and references get more obtuse and obscure until one of us loses and slingshots up to potty humor.
They could have yachts, but they would be smaller and less impressive to people with smaller yachts
Paying people appropriately doesn’t buy yachts with crew decks.
That is nice economic theory.
The reality is only small entities will close and will be absorbed by the bigger companies that can afford to shift production to other countries and prices will go up because they can. The only reason why they produce locally is because of subsidies and illegal labor.
There is no economic incentive to pay a desirable wage domestically when you can exploit the workers of another country and make more money.
If it requires illegal labor now, it will be offshore if illegals(and “accidentally” the wrong color people) are deported.
Minor offences that lead to jail time, which gets extended indefinitely due to minor infractions or serious infractions cause by prison culture.
I never thought a commemorative cereal box collection could tell me more about a person, but this “centerpiece” would say a lot.
You understand what a centrist is, however the meta perception in online America is that a centrist is a right-winger in disguise.
News has determined decades ago that they get more attention by being entertaining. Dry factual news and clearly delineated opinion pieces don’t get the views/clicks, and by extension money, so it is unsustainable. It still exists, but it isn’t prevalent.
She doesn’t have “crazy eyes”, she has “attack squirrel training bat shit insane eyes”.
I am pretty sure he would rather die than give up golfing. He played golf 307 days of his 1461 days in office, 3x what Obama did.