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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • Biden won’t either, because he’s already proved he can win this race and you don’t retire a winning horse.

    this isn’t 2020. it’s 2024, and a different race. Trump has had 4 years to retcon (or rather double down?) on his reputation. (whatever, he’s had four years to shore up his support.). Further, in 2020… the war in ukraine hadn’t started yet, neither had the Israeli genocide in gaza; the Pandemic was still on-going (and trump was fucking up left right and center on that.)

    the point being, the circumstances are different and Biden has a lot of baggage he’s carrying- especially lately with Gaza. As they say in stocks: Past performance is not an indicator of future performance.

    It’s going to be a battle, and I’m not sure Biden can win.

    That said, Trump belongs in jail. (or the grave. I make exceptions for certain things. like being a rapist pedophile traitor.)

    In a sane world, that should be enough for a cardboard cut out of Yogi Bear to win. I used to think that Princess Amidala being 14 and the planetary head of state was hilariously unrealistic, yet here we are hoping to elect an asshole that supports genocide because the other guy is a cartoon villain that would happily genocide his own citizens because they didn’t let him do his pedophile-rape thing. It’s the kind of plot Palpatine would appreciate.

  • For the record, I’m willing to bet Apple and Google are training various AI models using photos on your phone, without your consent (or consent burried deep in a ToS.)

    Didya really think Apple cared 'bout people having CSAM on their phones/icloud? (it does make an amazing excuse to scan every photograph you’ve ever taken or downloaded, though. any one who balks is immediately now protecting pedophiles. Apple, Google, they’re corporations. their ethics are dictated by the bottom line.) (they’ve since gone to on-device options that attempt to block or intervene if a child sends or receives things that are inappropriate, and offering to point them to an adult.)

  • You apparently don’t understand the difference between being a dictator and actually getting off your ass to stir up support for something.

    stop acting like biden is powerless because one body of congress is in republican hands. biden is not powerless. If Biden is so powerless to get shit done in congress, how is it he claims credit for the American Recovery Act and the other big ones early term? that’s right. He did some lifting for it. (he was, however, far from the only person, and a lot of people did a lot of heavy lifting to get that done.)