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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • I’ll give to our local food bank. The money goes a lot farther than if I give it to someone who spends it on junk food at the corner store.

    I used to ask for spare change when I was younger. Never poor, just young and hitchhiking around for fun. It’s fun to have little interactions with strangers. Don’t give money away that you can’t afford to give and don’t feel bad about it. You can give them respect and dignity just by talking to them. Yeah there are plenty of scammers out there, if you gift something to someone it’s out of your hands. Don’t get too butt hurt if you see them with a forty in a paper bag later. If they’re not pushy I’ll hand them a twenty sometimes just to see the look on their face.

  • Help yourself, your pets will love you for it. A couple of tips if you don’t mind: I boil the rotisserie chicken carcass (or any kind of meat and bones) for 10 hours on very low heat and covered. It takes that long to extract nutrients. You can use canned stuff but it’s full of salt. I pour the whole thing into a pie tin (with gelatin) and sprinkle molasses yeast flakes on top. You can find this at health food stores. It’s got lots of nutritional benefits and if your pet ever suffers from a lack of appetite a little on top of their food may help. A little bit goes a long way. Bon appetit!

  • Hard to offer any advice without knowing much about you. Have you told your employer about your situation? If you enjoy your job I’ll bet it shows and you’re good at it. If it’s a big company there may not be much they can do as they have to treat everyone equally. Maybe they can help you find someone to carpool with. Is public transportation an option? You can save A LOT of money that way. As others have said, if you can find a roommate that helps obviously. If where you live is expensive don’t rule out relocating.

    Just know you are not alone when you are struggling. Do what you have to do, your resourcefulness may surprise you. Despite what you’ll read online it’s not always a cakewalk no matter what decade it is. When I graduated unemployment was 10% and minimum wage jobs were the norm. I lived with 8 people in an inner city house and often ate out of a dumpster. It taught me to be frugal and how to keep an eye out for opportunity. I could blather on about my own experiences but they don’t work for everybody. If I could offer one piece of advice that does, know that the people you meet are the gateway to opportunity good and bad. You sound like you have a positive attitude. This will take you farther in life than any college degree. My very best to you

  • The Nazi skinheads co-opted skinhead. After the Geraldo Rivera episode everyone I knew let their hair grow out because they didn’t want to be associated with that shit. Before that there were only a few isolated scenes where you’d see Nazi skinheads. Cutting off your hair was popular in the hardcore punk scenes because it was contrary to the long feathered hair popular in the 70’s and 80’s plus it was a lot easier than trying to get a Mohawk to stand up straight. That took a whole can of hairspray and we were all broke.