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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 24th, 2024

  • I’m saying she’s not very good because of her many gaffs and avoidance of questions.

    And why compare her to Boebert? Boebert is a shit stain who’s unqualified to work at a fruit stand, let alone be a congresswoman. You bring up her qualifications like you think it’s some new info.

    I don’t understand how people think this type of deflection is worth anything. “You think this person is bad, well what about this other person who’s WORSE?!” Yea, that doesn’t make the first person better. This isn’t a fucking grade school popularity contest.

  • It doesn’t mean she’s unqualified, it just means more qualified candidates may have been passed over in favor of her because she’s more diverse. And considering how bad of a job she’s doing, if you are trying to make the claim that she WASN’T a DEI hire and she was hired solely because she was the best candidate, then you are making the claim that Biden and his cabinet are so incompetent that they can’t attract anyone talented who wants to work for them.

    And don’t deflect with “well the horrible people during Trump were worse!” Yea, no shit. It was the Trump presidency. That changes absolutely nothing about KJP and why she was hired.

  • A clock shaped like a pile of rancid garbage is still right twice a day, as harsh as it is.

    Karine Jean-Pierre is not a very good press secretary, And while I don’t know what the candidate pool was or what the vetting process was like, I think you’d be hard pressed to say that her being a black, LGBT, woman didn’t at all factor into her getting picked for the job. And while that’s not a bad thing, let’s not clutch our pearls and pretend calling her a DEI hire is some unhinged claim.

    Ask yourself this, do DEI hires exist? Yes, they often do. Does KJP tick literally all the boxes for a DEI hire? She absolutely does.

  • My take is fucked up only because we continue to ascribe reproduction as some noble, precious thing; rather than a wildly irresponsible and selfish act.

    Imagine a couple is driving a truckload of garbage to dump in the ocean. They have no reason to do this except some primal instinct that tells them to, all so they can point at the pile of floating garbage afterwards and say “look, that is MY garbage”.

    Now imagine on the way to the ocean, the truck loses a tire and they crash off the road next to a garbage dump, and all the garbage in their truck goes flying over the fence and into the dump.

    Then these people want and expect sympathy from others because they lost their garbage. They were really looking forward to standing on the beach and watching their garbage float free into the ocean and cause more of a mess. Oh no, boo hoo, fate accidentally caused them to do the right thing.