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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • This post is inaccurate. Neither WiFi nor GPS use FHSS, nor is Lamarr anything close to singularly credited with FHSS’ invention (the earliest patent is credited to Nikola Tesla). This also implies that the Allies used her parent - they did not.

    Also Richard Easton is the son of the man who invented GPS and had every right to be skeptical of this claim, and it looks like Internet dipsh*ts have bullied him into deleting his twitter account over this.

  • Siiiigh, would it help if I said penis? The last time this happened, it happened to be a woman.

    And it’s pretty obvious when someone starts shit with people on the Internet for no reason, then posts their uglies all over the net, that they’ve got a pretty juvenile issue with attention-seeking behaviour in general.

  • More than once I had someone being an arse to me on reddit, I took a gander at their profile to see what kind of fucko I was dealing with… and it was full of their nudes.

    One time it was someone who lived in the same town as me.

    Yeah… your insults and comebacks don’t hit quite as hard now that I know you’re desperate for people to see your vagina.