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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 21st, 2023


  • Idk if anyone is saying they’ll vote for trump over Biden because they think he will be better for genocide or for people in the states.

    Saying Biden and the Democrats are enabling genocide and watching it happen is not the same thing as saying “we will vote for trump”

    It’s calling out people and hoping they do better.

    But I guarantee you if Biden loses the election this November, all the pieces will be about why black and brown and Muslim voters didn’t come out, rather than examining why an absolutely massive proportion of white people vote for trump and the Republicans at every turn even though they’re destroying the country.

  • Erasing words because there is the potential for damaging feelings isnt the way to go.

    I agree re sexism, etc., but I don’t think we should rewrite books or words. Let people know what they mean, and then explain why it’s bad.

    For ex. Re-publishing Enid Blyton or Mark Twains works with certain words that are racist removed or edited. I don’t think that should be done. Let people learn how they were used and why they are wrong.

    Or pulling down statues of Confederate leaders because they were racist and fought to have slaves. Don’t do that. Keep the statues up. Add a plaque or a message stating why they were assholes. Don’t erase history. Don’t rewrite it. Just make sure people have the knowledge.

  • The idea that Hamas is hiding behind innocent people has been completely disproven by the fact that Israel just keeps bombing people with impunity.

    On top of that, it’s a bit wild to talk about how evil Hamas is when Netenyahu and his government quite literally, without hiding it, spoke about how they fund Hamas because they know it makes a Palestinian state harder to come to. Hamas would not be half the issue it is if it wasn’t for the Israeli government.

    Also, when you live in a place that’s about two miles wide and 26 miles long, you are guaranteed to be among the civilian population. The reason they are there is because of Israel in the first place.

    On top of that, resisting an armed occupation with violence is not a crime.

    If you are facing constant apartheid, it is natural to hate the instigator of the apartheid. That happened in South Africa, it happened in India, it’s happened all over the world.

    Finally, Israel keeps stating there are thousands of miles of tunnels under Gaza, with very little evidence of that. There is evidence that THEY built the tunnels and rooms under the hospitals. New York City is almost twice the size of Gaza. The New York subway does not have the miles of tunnels that Israel says exist in Gaza. It doesn’t make any physical sense that they would have that many tunnels

    I’m not defending October 7th at all, but let’s not act like this all began with Palestinians and not Europe just kicking a bunch of Arabs out of their homes because of something EUROPEANS did in the first place.