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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Take it one step further and that sense of wonder is why I feel the powers that be reacted swiftly to squash psychedelics and shut down all research into them, unless the research benefitted the national security cartel, of course.

    It’s difficult for rulers to maintain capitalist control when you can eat a piece of paper and have the wonders of the universe revealed to you and realize that it’s supposed to be about loving other humans. Makes neverending consumption and 9-5 work seem really lame in comparison.

  • My city has a local company that rents storage units and they have entirely too many locations relative to the population of our city such that I believe they’re a criminal enterprise. I believe they construct so many new buildings for money laundering purposes and to facilitate human trafficking and drug running out of them.

    Breaking news, I just googled them and one of the owners was convicted in his 20s of trying to sell poached falcons to Saudi Arabian royalty. The plot thickens.

  • Trump often uses the Royal “we” to confuse. When he does this he’s talking about himself.

    So when he talks about “the last election we ever have” He means the last election HE will have - because he’ll be too old and in jail and unable to run again.

    This is also projection - recall that he urged voters they’ll only need to vote one more time. He 100% will attempt to install himself and his family as permanent dictators if elected and the Supreme Court will let him do it. Don’t believe he won’t and don’t believe Republican lawmakers aren’t craven enough to facilitate this. He looks up to Putin and Kim Jong-Un because he thinks they have a sweet deal as dictators for life.

  • Good conversation on the topic here

    Basically, it is becoming more common in English writing to use the masculine “hero” as gender neutral when the figure is a famous and/or historical figure.

    If it is a fictional character, “heroine” is still widely used.

    There’s been a wider trend of using gender neutral terms in the language. “They” as a replacement for “he” or “she”, for example, used to be improper but is now quite widely accepted and not only when speaking about a non-binary person.