barrbaric [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • IIRC the damage inflicted by the atomic bombings weren’t especially noteworthy compared to the rest of the bombing campaign, and it was more a way to test out their new toys. If the nukes hadn’t been used but conventional bombing had continued, it would likely have had a similar result. This video by Shaun lays out a pretty compelling case that the Japanese surrender was due to the Soviet declaration of war and invasion of Manchuria.

    This is all ignoring of course that despite the insistence of unconditional surrender, the Americans accepted surrender with conditions and allowed the emperor to continue to hold his titles anyway. There’s definitely something to be said about taking maximalist positions just to make a point even when they don’t actually care about several of the goals that make up those positions.

  • Eh, it’d be a good step in the right direction if they did stack the court (though term limits and a code of conduct are laughable half-measures at best), but I have my doubts the dems will do anything. If they sincerely believed that the american right wanted to end democracy and put dem politicians in camps (to be clear, they’re fine with other people being in camps), one would assume they’d be using that newfound presidential immunity to start drone striking “threats to the republic”.

    Edit: oh and obviously whatever tools the dems use, the republicans will use more ruthlessly as they care far, far less about optics. Might as well play to win.

  • Wouldn’t work. Just think about all the religious Trump supporters who think he’s a “good christian man” in spite of his many obvious unchristian qualities. Their religion is downstream from their bigoted political views, and they don’t care one bit about being called out as hypocrites.

    On top of that, the media those types would consume would only ever use it to show dems in a negative light. You have to dismantle that entire media apparatus first, which means mass arrests, targeted assassinations, political purges, and, the biggest issue for the dems, not respecting the private property of fascist billionaires.