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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 14th, 2023

  • I suspect that I have Ehlers Danols. I have an appointment with a new doctor next month to look into a possible diagnosis. When my wife first found out about EDS and said she thought I might have it I was just like “whatever”, but then the more we looked into it the more my entire life made sense. I’m not saying I hope I have EDS but it would be really nice to actually have an explanation for the constant pain and unstable joints.

  • My wife encouraged me to talk to a doctor about possibly low testosterone levels because of increasing depression and irritability. When I was talking to him he started asking questions about difficulty of maintaining muscle/keeping fat off, energy levels, ED, and low libido. I had noticed all of those things but they came on so gradually that I did not realize how bad it had gotten till we started taking about it. I got tested and sure enough I was low. I started twice weekly at home subcutaneous injections about a year ago and man has it made a difference. My mood is much better, but because I’m just going back to normal levels I’m not aggressive. It is much easier to keep muscle mass and keep fat off. I have more energy, better sex drive, and better sex in general. I have not noticed any down sides so far. I like the at home thing because it is more smaller injections instead of fewer large injections so you maintain a more consistent level. I definitely do not think people should abuse steroids for “gains” but if you have low T and are seeing multiple symptoms from it I definitely think it is worth it to get back up to a reasonable level.