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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • He’s gotten worse over time. I remember during the 2020 cycle seeing video comparisons even between his 2016 and 2020 debates.

    I don’t exactly enjoy going back and watching him talk, but it’s shocking going back and comparing seeing how drastic the change has been.

    Here’s a bit of the 2016 RNC debate. Trump is still rude and crass. He’s not coming off as an intellectual, but he’s completing his sentences and making coherent points. He wasn’t getting obviously confused like he has been since- talking about airports being involved in the Revolutionary War, claiming Nikki Haley was responsible for January 6th, the famous rant about his uncle being a genius, etc.

  • Thecomment I replied to listed Biden’s accomplishments. I agree that I wish he was even more progressive, but we aren’t going to get anyone like that without either disenfranchising 40-50 million voters or convincing them to stop voting against their best interests.

    Biden already beat Trump once, when Trump has the incumbent advantage. Biden now has that advantage and has a much, much stronger resume of accomplishments than Trump did.

    Who is the anti-genocide candidate who has a chance of beating Trump? Biden’s stance on Israel is my biggest criticism of him, but I have yet to see a better option. There’s hundreds of issues to consider when voting, so I’m not going to let one issue(where the other candidate is even worse) dissuade me from voting for the candidate who is in my best interests.

  • Just dismissing my points without addressing any of them lol.

    The person I replied to listed Biden’s accomplishments. I was the same as you back in the 2020 election - I thought Biden would be just a regular corporate Democrat, but he proved me wrong within his first year. I can admit that. He’s definitely not as progressive as I would prefer, but he’s far exceeded my expectations. I look at what he’s actually done, not what Fox News wants me to believe he is.

    You mentioned that his climate change bill was a fossil-fuel industry handout… I’m searching the Internet and can’t find any publication with that take. I can see plenty of other criticisms (supporting hydrogen is controversial, Republicans have plenty of complaints as expected, we probably need to do more, it doesn’t solve international issues, etc), but I can’t find any indication from anywhere that it was too kind of fossil fuel corporations. Do you have any more information on that?

    No successfully elected US president in history has ever started a campaign so late. If there was some front runner, a really strong candidate who had a legitimate shot, perhaps I’d entertain the idea. But that is simply not the case. Biden dropping out now is exactly what the GOP wants.

    This isn’t just a matter of younger candidates volunteering.The primary already happened. There was a time and a place to have this conversation and Biden won. You and I don’t have to like it.

    Comparing Biden to Hillary is laughable. Incumbents generally win the presidency, and Biden was popular enough to unseat Trump in 2020. Now he has a pretty good record of accomplishments to run on. He was never as hated as Hillary. That could be personal charisma, misogyny, the scandals the Clinton’s had as a couple, her own racist comments resurfacing, the supercuts of her taking both sides on literally every issue, or other things. Biden isn’t perfect, but as far as presidential candidates go the best the GOP has been able to do is Hunter’s laptop.

  • I’m disappointed in Stewart for this. I understand he’s just a comedian, but he seemed to actually have some good takes and be getting more involved in serious politics over the past few years.

    Changing the nominee at this stage would be effectively ceding the election. I’m convinced that most of this anti-Biden rhetoric is coming from right-wing astroturfers.

    It’s also bizarre seeing so many so-called progressives claiming that anyone could beat Trump… Did we learn nothing in 2016? Even the 2020 election was way too close for comfort. I wasn’t a huge fan of Biden back then, but he has exceeded my expectations significantly. I’m disappointed that there aren’t any viable younger candidates (that’s still a problem that needs to be solved in the next primary), but that’s certainly not going to stop me from voting for Biden again.

  • And… Why is that?

    Anime can be found on tons of streaming services that don’t have comments, like Netflix.

    Anime in particular is pretty famous for having its own communities and niche spaces on the internet. If anything, Crunchyroll’s comments section seems to me like it’s unnecessarily fracturing those communities based on who watches on Crunchyroll vs other methods.

    There are costs to maintain and moderate communities. It seems to me like that’s adding a good bit of cost to Crunchyroll’s business model in exchange a vlrelatively small value provided to a small percentage of their customers. Whereas with dedicated social media platforms, the business model revolves around and only attracts individuals who highly valued that community. With a smaller community like that, it’s easier to rely on volunteer mods (like most of Lemmy) or a bit of ad revenue.

  • Neutorypical here (possibly a touch of undiagnosed autism but not a lot)- I don’t get into them.

    My wife and I take a very proactive approach to communication. We talk through decisions before either of us gets emotionally attached to an answer. We trust each other to have good decision making processes when that isn’t an option. We have thoroughly established that both of us are putting the interests of the household first. We know both of us are acting in good faith, we both apologize, and we accept each other’s apologies.

    In previous, less healthy relationships, I realized what made a “fight” was that her or I wanted it to be. Maybe one of us wanted attention or affirmation or had some inner problems was taking out on the other. Perhaps we just didn’t feel like we were properly heard unless we were angry. Whatever the actual fight about was usually something that could’ve been resolved without emotional energy.

    As for how long to recover after… When it happened it always depends on the specific fight. Sometimes hours, sometimes days, eventually the big one was that we broke up permanently. If the issue has been resolved and someone is harboring resentment because the other party disagreed with them, there’s more underlying emotional issues that need to be resolved.

  • The shows antagonists were a wealthy business man turned politician who wielded the corrupt police force to feed his own power and oppress the common folk. And while his nickname was Boss Hogg, the villain’s canon name was Jefferson Davis Hogg. Pretty literally calling the cops confederate pigs.

    Definitely a lot of problematic elements to the show, but there’s some good there too. And I’m sure it influenced a ton of car action sequences for decades.

  • paultimate14@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldThe latest Ads
    1 month ago

    A few years ago my friend’s father passed away. My friend’s mother continued to live in the house for another year or so. She never worked and had to eventually sell the house and downsize.

    My friend had referred to her mother as a hoarder before. I’ve seen the reality TV shows about hoarders. But you don’t really understand just how bad the problem is until you spend several days helping your friend clean out their childhood home for sale, filling up several dumpster bags worth of… Stuff. Apparently the mother has always had some mental health problems and a shopping addiction, but spending over a year alone in that house drove her off the deep end.

    We could have opened an entire new Harbor Freight store. There were clothes in sizes I didn’t know existed. My wife casually found a pistol just shoved in a random box. It was madness.

  • Just looking through my HLTB at things I’ve done recently:

    The Ace Attorney series Sucker for Love Coffee Talk Haven (good for co-op)

    If you want a bit more gameplay, but still chill:

    Paradise Killer Braid Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons

    More gameplay focused:

    Control Portal Wargroove Cat Quest Knack (I know it’s a meme, but the games are actually pretty fun)

  • Gomes then sued, alleging absentee ballot mishandling and supplying video footage showcasing Geter-Pataky, a member of the Democratic Town Committee, repeatedly dropping absentee ballots into drop boxes or handing them to others, who then did the same.

    If I’m interpreting this correctly, it sounds like a couple of election officials just put absentee ballots in with regular ballots instead of… I assume they should have been set aside for vetting? The article doesn’t say what should have happened. The article doesn’t really go into the impact- seems like they just really, REALLY wanted to print a headline about Democrats meddling in the elections process.

    When I think of “stuffing” I think of people creating wholly illegitimate ballots, which does not seem to be what happened here.

    Also worth noting that this was for the Democratic primary for a mayoral position in 2019, and some of that info probably should have been in the headline.

  • I actually think it’s worse for Meta to take a loss on hardware. That tells me that they are expecting to make that money back and then some elsewhere. It’s possible that they are just hoping to make that money back through software sales (similar to Sony), but I just have a hard time trusting the company. The “Meta” name is such a turnoff that I don’t want a piece of their hardware in my house, let alone on my network, so I haven’t even looked at their offerings.

    Also, I disagree with the notion that “for a budget rig somethings got to give”. The answers for a “budget” rig are… Nintendo Labo. The AR games with the 3DS. The various ways of strapping a smart phone to one’s face. Things that the VR community scoffs at, but the average consumer is much more likely to purchase.

    I think the “budget” option is to just… Not use VR. For me, the adapter isn’t a huge deal. They just cut the price by $100 earlier this year. The Horizon bundle, plus an adapter, comes out to $560. The Valve Index can vary based on the setup, but I figure that’ll be at least $1k. The HTC Vive products seems way more focused on business than gaming, and all of their headsets are >$1k anyways.

    So for me I have 3 options: wait for Valve or HTC to make more value-oriented products, get the PSVR2, or just not do VR. And I’m perfectly at peace with just abstaining from VR- I certainly don’t regret that I didn’t buy a 3DTV for example. But this PC adapter has suddenly made the PSVR2 an option where it previously was not one.