• 1 Post
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 11th, 2024

  • Well, take that, established rules of comedy!

    …The previous sentence was a reference to common idiom, “If you have to explain the joke, then it’s not funny,” while the current sentence is an example of irony. Here, I am not using irony as it’s colloquially used, which could best be described as a funny coincidence, but rather by its literally definition of, “the use of words expressing something other than their literal intention.” While the literal intention of my words is an explanation of my first and second sentences, the non-literal intention is a continuation of the premise that I am over-explaining my own jokes, thereby using irony to create what some would call a, “meta,” joke.

  • LOL, what? Are you high? No, they’re not going to listen to you if they have your vote already; why would they work for it if they already have it? And if they only tried to appeal to people who already voted for them, then they wouldn’t spend all this time and energy trying to appeal to moderate conservatives, would they? Why aren’t they ignoring them, and instead only ignoring the left?

    And you think they’re going to listen to me if I give them money? How much money do you think I’m giving them? Do you think I have a super pac? What do you think the conversations are in DCCC headquarters are like? “Hey guys, I know that the financial-services sector gave us $462 million in 2020, but @pjwestin just donated $50, and he’d like us to reinstate Glass-Steagall, maybe we should listen to him?” Like, Christ, maybe in deluded for thinking enough third-party votes will scare them, but at least I’m not naive enough to think I can negotiate with someone by giving them everything they want upfront.

  • You:

    Wikipedia agrees with me


    Left-wing politics describes the range of political ideologies that support and seek to achieve social equality and egalitarianism, often in opposition to social hierarchy as a whole or certain social hierarchies…Ideologies considered to be left-wing vary greatly depending on the placement along the political spectrum in a given time and place…In addition, the term left-wing has also been applied to a broad range of culturally liberal social movements, including the civil rights movement, feminist movement, LGBT rights movement, abortion-rights movements, multiculturalism, anti-war movement and environmental movement as well as a wide range of political parties.

    Anyway, we’re done here.

  • You are welcome to disagree with it, but your definition is not shared by Merriam-Webster, Dictionary.com, or Wikipedia. The Encyclopedia Britannica comes closest to agreeing with you by saying that, “Socialism is the standard leftist ideology in most countries of the world,” but it does not limit its definition of the political left to socialist and communist ideologies, and it certainly doesn’t say, “Left wing means ending Capitalism, not just 'reigning it in.” So maybe next time, before you jump into someone’s comments to tell them they’re using a word wrong, check if they’re actually using it wrong or simply using it in a way that doesn’t align with your personal beliefs.

  • I’ve run out of ways to say this, so I’ll just reiterate it one more time and be done with it; the meaning of left-wing is not that rigid and will vary based on context. It does not specifically mean revolutionary or anti-capitalist. It generally means a set of social or economic principles aimed at creating a more egalitarian society, but what that means in terms of policy will depend greatly based on the culture and system of government in place. Do I think it sucks ass that the American liberals are considered left-wing in the U.S.? Yeah. Do they meet my definition of left-wing? Fuck no. But I don’t get to define that broad term based on my personal standards.

  • Then you’re a good person, which is a statistical minority. Most people will never intentionally vote against their economic self-interests by raising their own taxes (although you can trick them into voting against their economic self interests; Republicans have been doing that for years by using racist dog-whistles to attack entitlement programs and pushing discredited trickle-down economic theories).