• 2 Posts
Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024

  • you might have problems with it on Mint. I tried using it on Mint and had a very bad time with it. Mint isn’t great with nivida cards if you’re using one.

    If you really want to use Hyperland and something that installs and that you can use that’s just about as easy as Mint I’d suggest CachyOS. that’s the one I moved to after using Mint for a bit. gives you the option to install hyprland while you’re installing Cachy. it’s faster than Mint too.

  • yup that’s me now too. Linux, Lemmy, Mastodon, and Vivaldi Email. Even went old school and decided to download my music again which wth playlist-dl and cmus makes it so easy. find a song/album/playlist I like and just rip it right to my library.

    It’s just amazing how easier things get when you decide to step outside the norm. What I love about Linux is you can think “hmm, I kinda want to do this on my PC” and boom, someone has already thought of it and made it possible for you.

  • I just want to follow up and say “thank you so much!” I took the dive and partioned out space for Linux Mint. played around with it for a bit and said “fuck it, I love this thing” and did a fresh install on my laptop deleting windows 11.

    Holy crap this thing has improved my laptop so much. it’s so damn fast, boots up quicklly and believe it or not my battery lasts longer now. I just spent hours customizing how it looks, it’s fun, it’s great.

    Also I was easilly about to install steam, elden ring, Final Fantasy XIV and even World of Warcraft and they all work, and run, better on this machine now.

    WoW was actually pretty easy to get going in all honesty. Instead of installing WoW directly on Litrus instead you install Battle.net via Litrus and it simply does the rest, EVEN going that route allowed me to install other blizzard games like Hearthstone without doing anything special.

    My only beef right now is I’m having issues customizing the panel like I want. Tried installing polybar and got in a bit over my head with i3wm but I’m sure I’ll figure that stuff out soon. Got a cool app launcher going that makes things so much easier, even changed the shell and got zsh going which is great.

    I love it, absolutely love it and won’t be going back to Windows ever. I imagine once I get a handle of Mint I might switch to a different distro like Arch (I love the look of that and how people have customized it) but for now this is perfect.

  • I used to live in the Southwest US like 20+ years ago and went to high school there. ICP was huge at my school but once people graduated they stopped listening to them for whatever reason.

    for where I lived It’d be join the Navy, work at grocery store, work at a call center, or live in a trailer park and die.

  • hot take on my part but I think people should stop going to pride parades completely. I dont’ know about other cities but here in Toronto it’s become essentially a walking in real life commercial for companies. This combined with the fact they took nearly $2mil in government grants here and simply pocketed the money. now they have to pay back $500k of it. They didn’t use that money to benefit the community or LGTBQ+ orgs, nope, they just stuck it in their pockets.

    Add to the fact none of these companies care about you giving them a piece of your mind, they don’t care. Some low level Verizon employee couldn’t give two flying fucks what you say about their corporate overlords. they don’t get paid enough to deal with that.

    How do you stick it to them? stop going to pride, stop buying their shit in June. Once they realize that pandering to people for one month to hopefully see an increase in sales doesn’t work then they’ll stop doing it. And show these pride orgs that have sold their souls to corporations that you won’t tolerate them making money on the backs of the community.

  • you can ease it by volunteering. That’s what I do. I volunteer with my local community center and food bank. I mean it’s something instead of nothing.

    Until that point in time people have to accept that there will be people living on the streets, they will be drinking, they will be doing drugs to cope with living on the streets and nothing will change until people stop complaining and attempt to make said change.

  • “I hate seeing homeless people trying to cope with being homeless”

    ok so do something about it, vote for people who will fix it, donate money to places that will help, volunteer at food banks, community centres, soup kitchens, be the change you want to see.

    you: no, I prefer to complain

    you’re part of the problem.

    “then idk what to do.”

    good lord you’re an idiot. and the terrifying thing is you procreated.

  • I swear gamers have the memory of a gnat. How many times has Bethesda pulled shit like this and people continue to support them? no one remembers the Horse armor all the way back in Oblivion? no one remembers the Skyrim paid mods in 2015? hell can’t even remember the SKYRIM PAID MODS IN DEC OF 2023!

    This isn’t an outrage and no one should be upset AT Bethesda over this, but disappointed and upset with yourselves for yet again falling for their constant desire to nickel and dime their playerbase.

  • No my political analysis is more sophisticated than yours based on your previous aided comments. And yes I said aided because the words you type aren’t your own. Your English grammar isn’t natural and it’s quite awkward, it’s good just not natural. you need more training. So if I may provide a “protip” to you and your superiors in Russia or India or where ever you’re operating out of I would highly suggest more classes in natural speech and writing. Right now you look like you copy and paste directly from a chatgpt client. In fact that’s exactly what you’re doing.

    in the span of 24 hours you’ve started posting on Lemmy again after a year off. A year ago your comments were different. no where near as elaborate and the grammar was different, also more spelling mistakes from a year ago. And then you went back to how you type now. One moment your spelling and grammar are great, the next they’re not, so it’s painfully obvious multiple people are using your account. And it’s not like you change up your habits based on what community you post to, no you change your habits on a whim. you call people bro and you say “y’all” or “yo” one moment and a few hours later you’re back on chatgpt text.

    and you follow all the same tropes that known foreign trolls are known to do. post in news, world news annnnnd personal finance communities. That’s the tell that all you guys give away, constantly.

    I mean we can debate all you want but I have zero desire to talk to a copy and pasting ruskie bot.