• 35 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I am really poor by UK standards, living on disability payments which are among the lowest in Europe. Sometimes I have to use the foodbank in winter. However, in summer I also donate to them and also give to local charities and homeless people. I know a lot of people say do not give directly to the homeless, but I think that is wrong.I have been homeless and found a community of folk just like everywhere else. Some do spend it all on drugs, but many more do not! It is not my place to judge.

  • Laughter is a great weapon, as even the Irish Bards of old knew. And the plus point is that it is true, they are old and weird. They want to go round inspecting children’s genitals…definitely weird. They rather mothers die than get medical treatment in an event of a dangerous pregnancy. Likewise, they think child marriages are OK. They think forcing women to have babies is OK but passing laws to help those babies live is not. They want to go back in time and roll back all the progress society has made in being kinder, fairer and more inclusive. They love conspiracies and think they have special secret knowledge . There is so much more,I hope someone turns it all into a catchy song that goes viral.

  • I think there is little to no trust between the parties. I imagine that even with a ceasefire there is a real risk that as long as Netanyahu and his right wing government are in power. They will break it whenever they please. They will make up some reason. Maybe a three-year-old gave them a nasty look or picked up a rock. There will need to be neutral observers allowed in and journalists, to create transparency and trust. I can’t see it holding unless both parties are made to follow international law and participate in reconciliation, like they did in Rwanda.