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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: December 3rd, 2023


  • Absolutely bonkers lmao

    Of course imminent domain exists, silly. Yes, the government can force sales. Also squatters can be forcefully evicted through due process by the owner. That’s now what’s happening here. I can’t even begin to understand why it’s relevant.

    Protecting the land means not letting it become part of the failed Wall, and not allowing building/dumping on it. As Elon has dumped his shit in their land, CaH is suing. Thats exactly what protecting the land is, buddy.

    You seem to have a chub for Elon, or a chip against CaH. Not sure which, but you are waaaay off base lol

  • Just buying land gives complete legal ownership and stewardship to the owner. They’re not obligated to do shit with it, and they bought it exactly so they could do nothing with it: keep it natural and pristine.

    You seem to weirdly be invested in Cards Against Humanity being in the wrong, with the weird takes. They did exactly what they were expected to do- keep it pristine. What gives you any impression at all there were different expectations? Just flat out wrong.

    Your whole comment reads like one of Musk’s alt accounts trying to rub defense lol. If you expressed any semblance of understanding why and how CAH acquired the land before you began with “this isn’t the first time they failed expectations, why didn’t they build anything?!,” maybe you’d get better replies

  • That’s my whole point lmao. Stopping having kids will do absolutely nothing for the environment in the next 50-60 years, and without addressing the issue now, we’re fucked either way. Not having kids is only beneficial if we can’t find a solution now. And if we can’t find a solution before then, we’re all going to hell in a hand basket. May as well fulfill the biological imperative before the end of times 🤷‍♂️

    And please tell me literally anywhere I suggested we kick it down the line? Thats a far cry from me saying children are our best hope at a realistic fix, and any fix we come up will need to also be implemented by the following generations.

  • Guerrilla style social media activism suffers when the platform in question actively bans for reporting facts or algorithmically hides progressive voices and trends.

    It also benefits the very fascists we are attempting to address by driving engagement on their platform. But no group at this time can be sure that they won’t be banned, (or worse, get Twat by Elon and end up receiving death threats) tomorrow. It’s also very risky to rely on such a platform.

    But more pragmatically, these groups won’t stop organizing. The general public will also be migrating from Deadbirdsite.They’ll all use the next best tool and still persist, so there’s no real disadvantage there. If the effort can’t exist outside of Twitter, it isn’t really trying.

  • Ah, so you think that somehow not having children will fix anything? We don’t have 50-60 years for the population rate to finally begin to decline to hopefully make a dent in a problem we needed fixed 1000 years ago.

    Any suggested benefit of not having children speaks suggests children are the problem. They are not. Greed is 100% the problem, and will proliferate for those 50-60 years before abstaining from children would have an impact. Abstaining treats a symptom of the problem: “We live unsustainably, so overpopulation is a problem to the environment.” Whereas if we treat the root cause of the problem, greed, and make the sustainability changes needed, overpopulation becomes not so much of an issue.

    It’s not “their job” to fix what we fuck up. But if we don’t fix our shit, it becomes their job whether they want it or not. We will NEED generations of people to apply the needed long term processes of trying to course correct and generations of scientific discovery so we can be smarter and always be seeking better solutions.

    The impact of not having a child won’t be seen for decades, and any good not having a child solely for the sake of the environment may have is dwarfed by to good a child raised to care about then environment can do. We should absolutely be taking care of it now, and that’s why abstention of pro-creation shouldn’t be a viable solution. Of course it’s a personal choice, so do what you’re compelled, but the net good of someone who cares is way beyond the net bad of them existing.

    To your last point: If we working under the idea that we’re already past the tipping point, have kids or not doesn’t even matter. It’s a slippery slope: wecontinue to exist and put ourselves through such an inevitable outcome?! Wouldn’t it be better for the environment and create less long term suffering to just eliminate humanity? I don’t subscribe to this way of thinking.

  • It’s the next generation’s issue as well. Until someone currently alive either invents some amazing solution or the vast majority of living people make remarkable changes, children are still one of best hopes. Abstaining from having children fixes none of our current issues, and ensures that there are no future scientists or advocates.

    It’s not a “it’ll be their problem, so who cares” mentality. It’s a “nobody right now has a viable/popular solution, even though they’ve had every chance. So hopefully someone in the future might.” It’s unfortunate for everyone involved, but until people stop being greedy that’s where we’re at.