
       🅸 🅰🅼 🆃🅷🅴 🅻🅰🆆. 
 𝕽𝖚𝖆𝖎𝖉𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖍 𝖋𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖓𝖊𝖍𝖆𝖚𝖌𝖍 
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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 26th, 2022


  • Yeah, this one’s a lap cat too. I’ve loved all our cats, but it’s great when they’re snugglers. Tissot has a thing, though, that we say for him: “Both hands! No devices!” When he’s on you, he wants your full attention. It can make getting things done difficult, but it’s probably healthy that he forces us to take breaks from our computers.

    Does Zoey shed much? We adopted Tissot when he was 5, and I expected him to create a nightmare for the vacuums, but strangely he doesn’t really shed much, for all the long hair he has. Loves to be brushed, but we never get anything off him! Is Zoey the same way?

  • I don’t disagree. In fact, I think a strength of US culture is the diversity in embraces. I do feel sorry that this came at the cost of indigenous cultures, but the end result has been a wonderful melting pot, ruined only by Laissez-Faire economics and some badly wrong turns in how we do Capitalism. Plus the inherent bigotry that hypocrite descendants of immigrants are unable to recognize. Or, worse maybe, an attitude of “we stole this land fair and square, and now it’s our’s and everyone else fuck off!”

    All I’m saying is that my personal preference would be that this not happen to the entire world. I’d like to visit Germany and see a historic Germany, not another version of America with different preserved buildings. I’d love to visit the Basque region and immerse myself in Basque culture, not some mashup globalized culture selling Basque trinkets, which no-one uses at home anymore, to tourists. It’s selfish, I know.

    Edit 2024-07-04 relevant comic

  • I make no excuses. We’ve seen what Trump presidencies look like; the last was bumbling and did massive damage to civil rights, the next won’t be. Project 2025 ensures that.

    Biden’s biggest crime has been supporting Israel. His presidency was categorically and measurably better for the US than Trump’s. Aside from Palestine, he wasn’t a bad president. Now, if Trump wasn’t saying that Israel isn’t going far enough; if Trump were supporting Palestine, then there’d be something to talk about. But he isn’t, and he did terrible things to our country while in charge, and should never be allowed near the White House again.

  • The word has negative connotations, but I stand by it. I an not saying there result isn’t stronger, but if you extend cultural mixing out to the maximum - say humans and the planet survives another thousand years, and global travel is no harder than traveling to the next town over - what you end up with is homogeneity, and this would be sad, I think. Imagine it: the entire world speaking some pidgin derivative mashup of Mandarin, English, and Hindi, with essentially the same culture everywhere on the planet. Just as has already happened, languages are lost, because nobody speaks them natively anymore. All that’s left of the original cultures are some UNESCO sites and preserved old movies. I can’t say the world wouldn’t be stronger for it, but in the process, something irrecoverable is lost.

  • I don’t know about this meme, but you know memes come in waves. It’s just the nature of memes.

    That said, Germans - at least the Bavarians - have a special relationship with pizza second only to Americans. It’s kind of weird, because it’s so random. You don’t see this in, e.g., Southern France, and Italians seem almost ambivalent to it.

    I think it’s because, despite the world wars, Germans generally have a fondness for American culture, the same way Americans generally have a fondness for Mexican culture. They have Germanized versions of American food, like we have Americanized versions of traditional Mexican food.

    I don’t know who the French are fond of, besides themselves.