• DominusOfMegadeus@sh.itjust.works
    4 months ago

    Unless the judge has some knowledge that Baldwin either had intent, or was negligent in such a way as to contribute to the death, I’m not seeing what purpose it would serve to have him stand trial. He must feel absolutely terrible as it is, and my understanding is that it was not at all his fault.

    • Lem Jukes@lemm.ee
      4 months ago

      The purpose is to prosecute him for the crime he has been charged with. That charge is Involuntary manslaughter, which explicitly means he was negligent in a way that lead to the death of another person. The purpose of having him(or literally anyone) stand trial in the American justice system is (supposed) to examine the evidence and determine if it supports the charges against the (presumed innocent) defendant. You don’t get let off the hook for your mistakes just because you ‘feel absolutely terrible’ about it. Your understanding of fault in this situation is incorrect.

    • FireTower@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Unless the judge has some knowledge that Baldwin either had intent, or was negligent in such a way as to contribute to the death,

      Trials are the thing we do that allow juries/judges to come to those conclusions.

      • gregorum@lemm.ee
        4 months ago

        Typically, there needs to be enough evidence for an indictment to stand trial. So far, there hasn’t been publicly released enough evidence to show that he was in anyway at fault.

          • gregorum@lemm.ee
            4 months ago

            I know, but I think that indictment should have been thrown out after the firearms coordinator was convicted. This seems heavy-handed and unfair.

            • Khanzarate@lemmy.world
              4 months ago

              Well that’s not the argument you were making. He’s regrettably met the minimum standards for it to go to a proper court, though.

              I don’t think it’s heavy-handed to think an incident can have multiple parties responsible. It’s very possibly that. I think a jury should determine if Baldwin legally should’ve done better, using evidence and witness testimony about what would normally happen.

              Personally I think it’s much more the armorer’s fault. I agree with you. But I wasn’t there, I don’t know that we have all the information, or even that the information I’ve learned is completely accurate. A trial is the way to get all the information and certify it as true under penalty of perjury. Then the people who have been given every fact from both sides can make that determination.

              • gregorum@lemm.ee
                4 months ago

                Well that’s not the argument you were making.

                it kinda is, although it would be fair to say i was being circumspect.

                I don’t think it’s heavy-handed to think an incident can have multiple parties responsible. It’s very possibly that. I think a jury should determine if Baldwin legally should’ve done better, using evidence and witness testimony about what would normally happen.

                i agree that multiple parties can be responsible for a thing, but i really feel these questions should have been adequately answered (and have) during the investigations. unless there’s a pile of evidence that hasn’t been made public (which is possible, i admit), then this all seems like so much theater.

                you raise good points though, and i realize that we’re debating opinions here, not strictly the facts, so i’m not really trying to convince you of anything-- just to express my position.

    • barsquid@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      He was negligent but not in his position as the actor holding the weapon. My understanding is he is partly responsible for deciding to choose a non-union safety team that lead to the death.

      • Drivebyhaiku@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        Actually… Both. In regular Firearm handoff protocols Actors have a responsibility to uphold on their end. If everything is done to spec it is impossible to fire a live round from a firearm. Some small obstruction in the barrel getting missed and propelled might be in the realm of reasonable but part of the process of handoff requires a mini briefing on handoff of the weapon where each round is checked over where the actor can see and only authorized people are allowed to handle weapons at all. Been standard since the Brandon Lee death on “The Crow”.

        Baldwin took the gun from a person on set whom everyone would have known wasn’t supposed to be handling it and didn’t insist on a check. In our industry actors are briefed every time they accept a role that it is their partial responsibility to make sure those checks are done because it is not just a safety thing, it’s a liability issue if you harm someone. If a check is missed as an actor you are supposed to flag it and refuse the unsafe handoff to clear you of any potential liability or after the fact regrets…

        Thing is this protocol has ever been throughly tested in a court setting. The last time anyone was killed by a bullet on a set was the cause of the massive change to the industry standard protocol in a mass concerted effort to do a “never again” style pledge which basically worked for 30 years straight. The other notable gun death was an actor who killed himself with a blank by pointing the gun at his own noggin and pulling the trigger which which was something he was expressly not supposed to do for a scene, he just did it on his own without anybody’s sign off.

        This industry sea change in part is designed to exonerate Productions from negligence charges like what happened on The Crow but it also made it one of the most well respected industry protocols as the Lee death basically became one of the industry’s cautionary tale that lingers being retold to each new generation of crew. While non-union sets tend to be less regimented it is known fact that concerns of gun safety issues were already flagged and bought to production by the concerned Rust crew and no motion was made to change. Potentially Baldwin as part of a group may have directly ignored further appeals to firearm related safety prior to the shooting. This isn’t the Brandon Lee situation over again - the industry now is a whole new ball game.

        (Edit : Forgot to mention that the Rust crew had almost a full beat for beat dry run of the incident a few days before the incident where Baldwin’s stunt double discharged two live rounds after being handed a gun that he was told was “cold”… How one ignores that kind of wake up call I’ll never know.)

        • Burninator05@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          Why do they even use real weapons for those kinds of shots? I fell like a high quality fake would be indistinguishable on screen but not even give the opportunity for something like this to happen except for the actor being given the absolute wrong prop.

          • Drivebyhaiku@lemmy.world
            4 months ago

            More or less because the blanks give a more realistic recoil and the smoke whisps which saves on time and processing in post and you can see if the action works in real time on review… and there are arguements that handling the real deal does actually add to the performance…

            But like the standard done properly makes it incredibly difficult for injuries from weapons to occur. Consider that in 30 years the gun deaths in film plunged to almost zero *. There is way more production out there then there used to be and every scene where you see a gun being fired that is usually not one take and those takes were repeated over and over again. That’s tens of thousands of safe handles over the years.

            I don’t have any issues with sets having or deciding to not have real guns but the real thing is that on a set that is doing the standard every weapon from barely looking like a gun at all rubber replica to projectiless gas powered airsoft gun are all treated as though they were real. When they are handed over you have to be shown exactly what they are and replica or not they can never be left unsupervised. They are always in authorized hands or locked up.

            It’s part of why this case is so important. Anyone with money can make a non-union film. The best practices transcend union borders because accidents made from cupidity and negligence should have consequences. You ignore the warnings then the consequences are yours. The discourse often frames this as a personal issue but it’s a systemic one. Showing producers that being safe is a sometimes food is a dangerous precedent because the power they have over people is no joke.

            • (if you exempt the guy who ended up blowing his brains out with a company weapon because he was playing around. These days the spiel actors get include the phrase "the force of blanks can still be deadly, keep clear of the muzzle and don’t ever directly point them at another person at short range. )
        • barsquid@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          I read some more comments and I agree, I was too easy to convince that the actor doesn’t bear responsibility.

          I also liked another comment just discussing that it was a real gun, regardless of on set or off. Like anyone else handling a firearm in any other situation, the actor holding it is responsible for checking if it is loaded before pulling the trigger and for ensuring nobody is in the path of any bullet.

    • ma11ie@lemmy.one
      4 months ago

      He was the employer and he fostered the conditions that led to a death. Something we truly need to penalize.

        • Zron@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          Yes with a manslaughter charge.

          Employers cut corners all the time to increase production or profit. They should be held accountable if their decision directly leads to someone’s death.

          He had a hand in choosing the armorer. His employees were using the firearms on set for recreational shooting with live ammo. We don’t know if he knew that, but if he did then he’s responsible for not firing the armorer for a gross breach of safety. He was at least partially responsible for that and should face consequences for it.

          And anyone who touches a gun should not just believe what someone says about it. That’s literally rule 1 of guns: they’re all loaded until proven otherwise by the person holding it. There’s many people whose friend handed them a gun to look at and promised it’s unloaded, only to ventilate said friend or an innocent bystander. Whoever has a gun is responsible for that gun, it’s a big responsibility but not a hard one. Guns are not mystical objects, it takes like half an hour to learn how basically every firearm made in the past 150 years works, and how to check if all of them are safe. You’re not flying a plane when you have a revolver in your hand. He was handed a gun, told it was safe, did nothing to verify that, and shot a woman because of it. If it happened to me and I killed my friend or wife, I’d already be in jail. But because it happened on a movie set, it’s suddenly a big question about who was responsible.

          I have friends who own a lot of guns. I’ve held a lot of other people’s guns. As soon as it’s in your hands, it’s your responsibility. Doesn’t matter if we just got back from the FFL and it’s fresh out of the box. Doesn’t matter if there’s no bullets of that caliber anywhere on the property. Doesn’t fucking matter if someone you consider to be an expert hands you a weapon and tells you it’s clear. When a gun touches your hand, you are responsible for it and everything it can do. You take the 3 seconds it takes to clear it yourself and ask any questions that come up. If he had just looked at the gun and asked “why are their bullets in here” and “why don’t the bullets look like they’re props” then Halyna Hutchins would still be alive.

        • ryathal@sh.itjust.works
          4 months ago

          That’s basically what manslaughter is for. Times when someone dies unintentionally, but there’s proof that someone’s actions created that circumstance.

      • FenrirIII@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        Not whataboutism, but why they he’ll don’t we pursue corporations this vigorously when their bad conditions get people killed?

        • Lem Jukes@lemm.ee
          4 months ago


    • chonglibloodsport@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      It was ultimately his responsibility because it was his production. It was not his fault for pulling the trigger, it was the unsafe working conditions on set.

      If any of us died at work due to unsafe working conditions then our families would definitely want the employer held responsible to the full extent of the law. Baldwin may be a famous actor but in this situation he was an employer too, not just an actor.

      • cbarrick@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        That seems to contradict the article:

        Special prosecutor Kari T. Morissey argued that “the actor has responsibility for the firearms once it is in their hands.”

        The prosecutor is explicitly arguing that he has responsibility because he was holding the gun.

        • FuglyDuck@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          he did. You hold any weapon in your hand, and use it in an irresponsible manner, you’re responsible.

          yes, even if an ‘expert’ tells you it’s safe. he had enough wherewithal to know it’s a weapon inherently designed to kill. and to be perfectly blunt, it wasn’t even necessary that he carry a real firearm with dummies. they weren’t filming. they were setting up shots, checking angles and such…

          and he should have had enough professional experience to know, you don’t pass guns around like that on a set. it’s controlled by a single person whose responsible for it, and it’s either locked up, being held by that one person, or being actively used by the actor.

          • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
            4 months ago

            The way it works on a movie set is that the weapons master is supposed to check to make sure the weapon is 100% safe if the trigger is pulled and then hands it to the actor. The actor has to be in the head space to do their role properly, which would not include worrying about whether or not the gun is loaded since, in their mind, it’s loaded. That’s exactly why the job of weapons master exists. In this case, it’s the weapons master who fucked up. Baldwin fucked up by creating unsafe workplace practices, not because he pulled the trigger.

            • FuglyDuck@lemmy.world
              4 months ago

              Gutierrez-Reed was likely specifically hired because she was inexperienced. Movie sets are chaotic, the work is fast paced and rushed, and safety protocols slow things down. As they say: Time is money. She may not have specifically been hired by Baldwin, but she wasn’t really in a position to push back against it. (she should have, and she’s every bit as negligent.)

              However, Baldwin has had a long, long acting career, much of it handling firearms. He- as a professional actor- should have known what the protocols should have been, and should have said something like “hey, you’re not the armorer”, when Dave Halls handed him the pistol.

              What a lot of people seem to be misunderstanding is that more than one person can be responsible. Gutierrez-Reed, Halls, Baldwin were all negligent in a variety of ways.

              The simplest of ways to have prevented this was to not be using a functional fire arm. There are movie props that are near-perfect replicas (and, on film, would look perfect.) without being capable of firing. This is particularly true considering they weren’t doing live shoots. they were doing blocking, which is a process by where they set up the cameras and check for issues. One of the issues they should have been looking for is, “is this a safe direction to point the gun”.

              if you need any more reason to realize you can’t ever assume a firearm, or any other weapon, is “100% safe”, I suggest you give Anna Hutchin’s family a call.

              as for his “headspace” do you really think it’s normal for actors to be totally, completely and wholly unaware of what they’re doing? that in fight scenes they’re actually fighting, rather than following a script in perfect choreography? that they’re allowed to not pay attention to safety? No. Every one is always most concerned with safety. Or they should be. yes. that includes the actors.

              • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
                4 months ago

                I think fighting in fight scenes can and often does cause serious injury resulting in hospitalizations, so I’m not sure why you think that’s an especially good argument. It doesn’t have to even be a fight scene. I just read yesterday that Nancy Travis cut her the tip of her finger off with a knife during So I Married an Axe Murderer because she was laughing at what Mike Myers was doing- intentionally making her character laugh in the scene. They could have used a dull knife, but they didn’t.

                A better example would be Stallone ending up in the ICU for a week because he wanted the fight at the end of Rocky IV to be realistic, so he told Dolph Lundgren to forget the choreography and Lundgren punched too hard. May I remind you it was Stallone who was directing that movie and still wanted to actually be punched in a boxing ring so he could be in the acting headspace.

                There are also character actors like Daniel Day-Lewis who live their characters 24/7 starting long before filming begins and not stopping until it ends. All of his blades in Gangs of New York were razor sharp unless it was known for certain that they would be connecting with someone- but you can’t be certain of that.

                That’s just how movies and actors are.

                Could they have used a realistic prop gun? That I don’t know about. I would say it would depend on just how realistic we are talking when shot close-up with a high-definition digital camera and blown up to fit an IMAX screen. I’m guessing there gets to be a point where just buying the gun makes more sense than trying to buy a lookalike that looks good enough.

                • FuglyDuck@lemmy.world
                  4 months ago

                  Method acting has its draw backs and one of them is safety.

                  “That’s just how actors are” is a shitty, pathetic excuse for putting other people at risk.

                  Particularly when that risk is from a weapon fundamentally designed to kill people, and it certainly doesn’t absolve anyone of criminal liability.

                  • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
                    4 months ago

                    Yes it is, which is why there is a weapon master to (usually) ensure people aren’t put at risk.

                    Brandon Lee was killed by a gun with dummy bullets. Before that, no one had even thought that sort of thing would happen. Before Rust, no one thought this would happen because no one had been killed by an arms master being this negligent before.

                    I think things will be different in the future, but expecting an actor to understand the nuances of firearms, let alone be able to do that when they’re trying to prepare for something, should not have been something people should have expected.

                    And really, your bringing up choreography shows why. Actors are trusting the people who give them the swords that the swords won’t actually cause serious damage. No one is expecting the actors to test that out on watermelons before shooting.

                    Also, note I have said nothing about criminal liability.

    • LeroyJenkins@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      how is a person getting shot not the fault of the person shooting the gun? like bro if somebody gives you a gun saying it’s empty and you shoot somebody to death with it. you’re free to go? nah

      • mosiacmango@lemm.ee
        4 months ago

        The person who handed him the gun entire job was to make sure it was safe to use that gun as prop on a movie, to simulate danger, but in an utterly safe manner.

        That person not only failed to check the gun, but they were also the source of the live ammo. The armorer has already been sentenced to prison for involuntary manslaughter.

        “Every gun is dangerous” is the correct general mantra, but when you hire a person to specifically “make a gun not dangerous” who then directly hands you the gun, it’s pretty reasonable to assume it’s not dangerous. Pulling the trigger as part of your job and then killing someone afterwards isn’t directly your fault at that point.

        It’s terrible, but we know from the armorers trial the cause was her extreme negligence, not Alec baldwin expecting his employees and coworkers to do their job.

        • LeroyJenkins@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          i can see why you feel that way, I do too but that’s not how it works. they’re trying to charge the person who shot a person to death. Alec is a part of that plain and simple. he shot the gun.

    • FuglyDuck@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Unless the judge has some knowledge that Baldwin either had intent, or was negligent in such a way as to contribute to the death, I’m not seeing what purpose it would serve to have him stand trial. He must feel absolutely terrible as it is, and my understanding is that it was not at all his fault.

      Oh yes. He’s reaaalllly sorry. so we should give him special consideration. You know. he’s rich, famous and white. this totally entitles him to special consideration…

      nah. Fuck that.
      leniency is to be determined during sentencing; not before the trial ever takes place.